Paolo Dall’Oglio. La profezia messa a tacere

Paolo Dall’Oglio. La profezia messa a tacere (Paolo Dall’Oglio. The Silenced Prophecy)  , Riccardo Cristiano (a cura di), Edizioni San Paolo 2017.
The book, by Riccardo Cristiano, of the Association of Journalists Friends of Father Dall’Oglio, highlights the social and dialogical engagement of Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, SJ, founder of the monastic community Deir Mar Musa, and who was kidnapped in Syria on 29TH July 2013. The book is divided into three parts, which offer the texts of journalists and scholars who knew Father Paolo, interwoven by a central part which groups together some of his own writings. The Association aims at defending and spreading the message of Father Paolo by promoting initiatives for reflection and testimony about his personality and his dialogical path. Among the contributions is the reflection of Adnane Mokrani, professor at PISAI, Un mistico dal forte impegno sociale (A Mystic of Strong Social Commitment).
The presentation of the book will be on 29TH May at 17h30 in Sala Assunta, Via degli Astalli 17. The whole PISAI community prays for Father Paolo. .

The Pisai



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